Tierärztliche Praxis
Hundeschule Ritterhude
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Dalichau,Scheele ; PEDro 1999; 9 (59:172-178) /Aquatic functional training as an alternativ treatment in the rehabilitation of patients with diseases of the retropatellar joint;
Foley,Hallbert,Hewitt,Crotty; PEDro ( 2003; 62(12):1162-1167 Does hydrotherapy improve strength and pysical function…);
Torstensen, Ljunggren, Meen, Odland, Monwinckel, Geijerstam,1998; Medline/PMID 9854671: Efficiency …...of medical exercise therapy / conventional physiotherapie…;
Geytenbeek J.; PEDro 88(9):514-529/Evidence for effektiv hydrotherapy
Tovin,Wolf,Greenfield, Crouse, Woodfin ;PEDro 74(8):710-719/ Comparison of the effects of exercise in water and on land on the rehabilitation of patients with intra-articular anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction